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Graduation Assignment (GA/FP): What are the instructions for the printing and submission of the hardcopies of my GA/FP?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 11:34 AM)

Students are required to print and submit 2 properly bound hardcopies of their GA/FP to Wittenborg's Front Desk. Please check the EEG Part 8 'GRADUATION ASSIGNMENT & FINAL PROJECT HANDBOOK’ and the Module Online Area for instructions on printing and submission requirements.

Entry link: Graduation Assignment (GA/FP): What are the instructions for the printing and submission of the hardcopies of my GA/FP?


Graduation Clearance Form: Do I need to upload a signed Graduation Clearance Form prior to submitting the final version of my Graduation Assignment/Final Project?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 28 May 2024, 9:05 AM)

From the academic year 2022-2023, you have to submit the clearance form before submitting your final GA/FP. Please follow the instructions given in the online area of when and how to submit the form. 

Please check this link GA/FP Clearance Form ( Note that the clearance form gives an indication of the below eligibilities: 

  • A student has completed all the required exams except the GA/FP and has achieved 220 European Credits for Bachelors, and 65 European Credits for Masters.
  • All liabilities like library books and any other borrowed materials are returned by the student. 
  • There are no financial dues to Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences by the student. 

Please refer to the EEG Part 8 for more information.

Entry link: Graduation Clearance Form: Do I need to upload a signed Graduation Clearance Form prior to submitting the final version of my Graduation Assignment/Final Project?


Graduation: I will be graduating soon. What steps should I follow in order to complete this process?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:30 PM)

In order to graduate, students have to complete all European Credit (EC) modules. Once all ECs are achieved and you have passed the GA Oral Defence, you will be invited to the graduation ceremony by the Events Coordinator, via email.

In the email, you will find all information and instructions pertaining to the ceremony. Please follow all instructions given in the email. Among others, you will be required to:

1) Provide information on your guest list (the number of guests who will be attending the ceremony)

2) Complete the graduation questionnaire

3) Submit a photograph of yourself. This photograph will be shown on the screen during the ceremony.


Entry link: Graduation: I will be graduating soon. What steps should I follow in order to complete this process?


Oral Defence: Can students defend/present the Graduation Assignment/Final Project (GA/FP) online?

(Last edited: Friday, 26 August 2022, 9:16 PM)

As all educational activities are now conducted as on-campus activities, we would like to highlight that students must be physically present on campus to defend the Graduation Assignment and Final Project (GA/FP) in addition to the presentations of In-company training and Work Placement modules.

Wittenborg is an experiential institute. At Wittenborg, students sign up for a degree programme with lessons, projects and other educational activities delivered on-campus on a full-time basis. Therefore, all students are expected to be physically present and effectively participate in the classes in order to fulfil all study requirements.

If you have to travel outside the Netherlands for any extended period for mitigating reasons (e.g. medical), please note that you must inform your Process TutorAcademic Supervisor & the examination department ( at least one block in advance of your Graduation Assignment and Final Project modules.

Entry link: Oral Defence: Can students defend/present the Graduation Assignment/Final Project (GA/FP) online?


Plagiarism/Turnitin Similarity Score: Does Turnitin show percentage of similarity and plagiarism?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 8 November 2023, 2:27 PM)

When a paper is submitted via Turnitin, an overall percentage of similarity or originality score (with colour code) is shown (see picture below). The similarity score is just a percentage of text in the student’s paper that matches sources in the Turnitin database.  Turnitin highlights the text in the student’s paper that is similar to or matches against another source. The picture below shows a Turnitin Originality Report in the Document Viewer window. On the right of the image, you will see a numbered list of matched sources. Each of these is allocated a colour and number and these correspond to the number and colour in the student’s text. 

Highlighted text may indicate plagiarism and it will be checked by the module teacher. Take note that a high percentage does not mean there is definite plagiarism. There may be cases where the high percentage is due to appendices which are necessary for submission for example the financial statement of a company which is the case study of the assignment.

High similarity percentage may occur if a student copies too much text (exact words and sentences) from another source(s) without paraphrasing. This is called direct copying or verbatim type of plagiarism. See the red highlighted text numbered 1 in the picture. High similarity percentage may also occur if there is poor paraphrasing of text from another source(s) by student – see the pink highlighted text numbered 2. Both these high percentages are grounds for further investigation by the teacher on the student’s paper.

Likewise, a low similarity percentage does not mean there is no plagiarism. It is best that you check your paper thoroughly after submission to ensure that there are not many highlighted text. 

Turnitin example



Entry link: Plagiarism/Turnitin Similarity Score: Does Turnitin show percentage of similarity and plagiarism?


Retake of Remaining Module: What shall I do if I still have 1 or 2 pending modules prior to graduation?

(Last edited: Friday, 8 March 2024, 3:21 PM)

On condition that a student has a mitigating circumstance and/or a minimum of 210ECs (Bachelors) and 50ECs (Masters), a request can be made for a Retake of the Remaining Module if the remaining module is not within the block(s) prior to Graduation. A maximum of 2 modules can be requested. A student is permitted to do a Retake of the Remaining Module only once. Otherwise reverts to the normal planning of the module. A Retake of the Remaining Module can only be done when a student has attempted the normal exam (1st attempt). In special cases (at the request of the student in writing), the exam board may decide otherwise.

Retake of the Remaining Module requests must be made not later than Lesson Week 1 of the block before the planned Retake, i.e. For a retake request in Block 2: the request has to be made in Lesson Week 1 of Block 1.

Please follow the instructions and fill in the Retake of Remaining Module Form on time.

Resource: EEG Part 8, 9.2 Retake of Remaining Module under Mitigating Circumstances. 

Entry link: Retake of Remaining Module: What shall I do if I still have 1 or 2 pending modules prior to graduation?



Account Access: Why can't I access my online student account?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:14 PM)


Please note that we have activated Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) on all Wittenborg accounts. You have to login via text on your phone or Authenticator app. Please refer to the attached document on how to activate your MFA. 

There are other possible reasons why you cannot access your account, besides the MFA activation. The 3 most common reasons are as follows:

  • Entering the wrong password: A password may have been changed recently or the student may have simply entered the wrong password. Passwords are case sensitive.
  • Inactivity for a long period of time: If a student does not access his/her student account for a few months, the account will be blocked. The account has to be re-setted. Please contact Wittenborg Helpdesk to help reset the account. Helpdesk or Front Desk will send to the student’s alternative email information to have the account reset.
  • Outstanding invoice tuition fee: If a student has not yet paid the tuition fees, the student’s account will be blocked. The account will be reactivated once the outstanding tuition fees have been paid.

Sometimes there are technical issues with your account. Please contact or Helpdesk to assist you further. 

If any question remains, students can contact the front desk for support. This can be done either via an email to or by phone: (088) 6672688.

Source: A Password is not enough...we are starting to implement multi-factor authentication (

Entry link: Account Access: Why can't I access my online student account?


Assignment Deadline: When is the deadline to submit my Type 2 Exams? What happens if I miss a deadline to upload an assignment on Turnitin?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 11:54 AM)


The deadlines to upload assignments are clearly shown in the Module Guide, the Online Module course area and in the Turnitin submission page. The upload area is visible to everyone who is enrolled at the online module area of the course. Please take note that the responsibility of checking the assignment submission deadline lies on the student. So always check the Module Online Area.

You also need to consider the difference in the time zone that you are located in (for those who are not physically present in the Netherlands). Rules and regulations regarding deadlines to upload assignments at Turnitin are clearly indicated in the EEG guide of Wittenborg (Part 5 - General Assessment Policy).

Should you face any technical issues, you need to contact Helpdesk at least 30 minutes before the deadline with the assignment and screenshot(s) of the exact technical issue. Requests put after the deadline will not be attended to.

If you miss the deadline to upload an assignment on Turnitin, you will have to wait for the next retake opportunity.

Retakes can only be done when a student has attempted the normal exam (1st attempt).


You are highly advised not to upload your assignment in the last minute.

Source: EEG Part 5 - General Assessment Policy

Entry link: Assignment Deadline: When is the deadline to submit my Type 2 Exams? What happens if I miss a deadline to upload an assignment on Turnitin?


Assignment Submission: When can I submit my assignment?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:13 PM)


The window period to upload assignments is open at least two weeks in advance of the due date. Avoid uploading your assignment at the last minute. Make sure to upload the assignment a day earlier to avoid complications such as technical glitches, lost internet connection, system overload etc. Submitting your assignment early also helps you to view your Similarity Index Report and ensure that the similarity index is below the 20% limit set by Wittenborg (Refer to EEG for more details). This allows you time to amend your assignment if necessary.
In case of technical issues, contact Helpdesk at least 30 minutes before the deadline, with the name of the module and screenshot(s) of the exact technical issue. Request put after the deadline will not be attended to.
Source: EEG Part 5 - General Assessment Policy


Entry link: Assignment Submission: When can I submit my assignment?


Booking Appointments: How to book an appointment at Wittenborg?

(Last edited: Monday, 24 January 2022, 1:20 PM)


If you wish to speak to any of the Wittenborg staff, please invite them for an appointment using the Outlook Calendar. You can find the email addresses of all staff in your Outlook address book.

If you want to make an appointment with your process tutor, you need to fill in the form provided to you in your process tutor area.

In the attached document you will find a detailed guide.

Please note that the meetings with your process tutor are only online and will be held on MS Teams. 

Source: Course: Student Resources - General Information for all Students |STU001| (

Entry link: Booking Appointments: How to book an appointment at Wittenborg?


Can students participate lessons online?

(Last edited: Friday, 26 August 2022, 8:44 PM)

No lessons are facilitated online from academic year 2022-2023. 

Wittenborg is an experiential institute, thus, students need to physically interact with each other. The teachers will conduct all lessons in the classrooms and the study materials will be available for students via the online course areas on Wittenborg-Online, as usual. Note that no lessons will be streamed live.

At Wittenborg, students signed up for a programme that is planned and offered with lessons, projects, and other educational activities delivered in-campus on full-time basis. Therefore, all students are expected to effectively participate in the classes and fulfil all study requirements.

If you have travelled outside the Netherlands for mitigating reasons (e.g medical) please note that you are eligible to request for Leave of absence/study freeze. You can find more information on this in the FAQs.


Entry link: Can students participate lessons online?


Contacting Staff - How can I communicate with the Wittenborg teachers and staff?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 10 February 2021, 11:57 AM)


You can communicate with Wittenborg teachers and staff via Email, Teams or Phone. Teachers usually provide their email addresses to students during the first lesson, so do take down their email addresses when given. Additionally, you can find email addresses of Wittenborg staff in your Outlook address book. You can also find the teachers/staff by typing their names in Teams and you can directly communicate with them.

If you are unsure, you can always contact front desk for help at

All students are required to use their Wittenborg student email with for any official communication. 


In relation to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) it is essential that students only send university-related material and emails through the official student email account (

Source: The EEG Part 4 - Practical Information Guide

Entry link: Contacting Staff - How can I communicate with the Wittenborg teachers and staff?


E-Library: How can I access books and journal articles online?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 3:24 PM)

We have partnered with Perlego, EBSCO, Willey, Vital Source, and other publishers to ensure over 1,000,000 different titles of books and over 2,000,000 journal articles are available for our students and teachers. Students and staff can access these resources via the "Online Library Resources" on Wittenborg-Online. A special search function is created in this page to search all journal articles in our database (see Figure 1 below).

Moreover, together with our partner, EBSCO we have developed a special widget on EBSCO search engine which will also assist you to find articles on open source publishers such as Google Scholar  (see Figure 2 below).. We highly recommend students to use these resources before browsing through other external sources for the same articles or books.  

Figure 1



Figure 2

Ebsco widget


Entry link: E-Library: How can I access books and journal articles online?


Email Receipt: Where will I get the submission receipt?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 10:44 AM)

An email receipt is sent to your account each time the assignment has been submitted on Turnitin.  

Entry link: Email Receipt: Where will I get the submission receipt?


Graduation Assignment/Final Project: How does the procedure for GA/FP work?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 28 December 2021, 11:14 AM)


Please see below the flowchart for the procedure of GAs/Final Projects.

Flow Chart




Entry link: Graduation Assignment/Final Project: How does the procedure for GA/FP work?


Links: How to access useful links?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 1:39 PM)


Please find some useful hyperlinks below:

Study information

For study-related questions please contact your Process Tutor through the online area.

Process Tutor Areas


 Source: Wittenborg Online:

Entry link: Links: How to access useful links?


Login to Office 365: I am not able to login to office365. What should I do?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:37 PM)

Please note that we have multi-factor authentication for your Wittenborg office365 account. You have to login via text on your phone or Authenticator app. If you are still facing issues, you need to inform or Helpdesk.

Source: A Password is not enough...we are starting to implement multi-factor authentication (

Entry link: Login to Office 365: I am not able to login to office365. What should I do?


Meeting Invitation: Why the error message "undelivered" has been sent while responding to a meeting invitation?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 15 March 2022, 9:08 AM)

If a meeting has been created with any field (Subject, title, or message body) empty, then the recipient will receive the automated error message in reply that their "response was not delivered" after responding to the meeting invitation. However, this may not affect their response and their response may still be recorded. Also, if they have accepted the meeting using their phones, this issue might occur.

In such cases, it is always recommended to confirm with the recipient after, if they have received your response.

Entry link: Meeting Invitation: Why the error message "undelivered" has been sent while responding to a meeting invitation?


Microsoft Teams Meeting: How to set your background image to Wittenborg logo during meetings?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 10 February 2021, 12:22 PM)


You can click on the 3 (…) dots appearing on your screen, You should then see an option with "Show Background Effects". Once you click this option, you’ll see a list appear on the right-hand side of the screen. You can select the image set to be as your background. 

The Wittenborg logo image is attached here, you can save it and select it as background image of your meetings.

 Source: Microsoft Support Service

Entry link: Microsoft Teams Meeting: How to set your background image to Wittenborg logo during meetings?


Modules: How can I add individual modules to my timetable?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 1:32 PM)


You should login to Timetable. once you logged in, please follow the steps mentioned in the attached guide


The buttons Modules & Programmes of Study can be found at the top of the screen (mobiles), or in the box List Types (computer).



Entry link: Modules: How can I add individual modules to my timetable?

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