Assignment Deadline: When is the deadline to submit my Type 2 Exams? What happens if I miss a deadline to upload an assignment on Turnitin?
(Last edited: Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 11:54 AM)
The deadlines to upload assignments are clearly shown in the Module Guide, the Online Module course area and in the Turnitin submission page. The upload area is visible to everyone who is enrolled at the online module area of the course. Please take note that the responsibility of checking the assignment submission deadline lies on the student. So always check the Module Online Area.
You also need to consider the difference in the time zone that you are located in (for those who are not physically present in the Netherlands). Rules and regulations regarding deadlines to upload assignments at Turnitin are clearly indicated in the EEG guide of Wittenborg (Part 5 - General Assessment Policy).
Should you face any technical issues, you need to contact Helpdesk at least 30 minutes before the deadline with the assignment and screenshot(s) of the exact technical issue. Requests put after the deadline will not be attended to.
If you miss the deadline to upload an assignment on Turnitin, you will have to wait for the next retake opportunity.
Retakes can only be done when a student has attempted the normal exam (1st attempt).
You are highly advised not to upload your assignment in the last minute.