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Year Planner: Where can I find the WUAS Academic year planning?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 1 December 2021, 11:30 AM)

You can fine the general year planning at WUAS main website here.

Entry link: Year Planner: Where can I find the WUAS Academic year planning?



Academic Supervisor: When/How can I request for an Academic Supervisor?

(Last edited: Monday, 27 September 2021, 4:09 PM)

One of the fundamental purposes of the Graduation Assignment/Final Project is to ensure students carry out original applied research in a field that is related to their specialisation. This is done with the guidance of an academic supervisor, who is appointed in the final phase of a bachelor's degree programme, or from the first semester of the master's degree programme. Academic supervisors are always members of the academic staff at WUAS, appointed by the Graduation and Examination Board (GEB).

Academic supervisors will be allocated according to various criteria including their familiarity with the proposed topic, their knowledge of the relevant methodologies, their experience in conducting and supervising applied research projects and their workloads.

You can request an Academic Supervisor when you meet the following pre-requisites:

  •         For bachelor’s students: you have obtained 180 ECs (credits);
  •         For master’s students: you have received approval on your Research Topic in Semester 1;

To request an Academic Supervisor, please complete the Online Academic Supervisor Request Form via the links below. You will receive a confirmation email approximately between 3-7 working days after submitting the form completely. Once an Academic Supervisor is assigned to you, please make contact with your Academic Supervisor by making an appointment using the Microsoft Office Calendar.

Bachelor Students: Academic Supervisor Request Form (Rene Rijnders, the Head of Academic Supervisor, Bachelor Programme)

Master students: Academic Supervisor Request Form (Dadi Chen, the Head of Academic Supervisor, Master Programme)

Entry link: Academic Supervisor: When/How can I request for an Academic Supervisor?


Can a student study and graduate with two specialisations at the same time?

(Last edited: Friday, 20 May 2022, 3:35 PM)

Students who are enrolled in a programme with a given specialisation, will earn ONLY one degree with ONE specialisation.

Students, who would like to attend and complete additional modules from other specialisations would do it at their own discretion. Students can take as many additional modules as they wish. However, the diploma will only mention one specialisation.

All additional modules that the student has completed and passed will be added and will be visible on the transcript only. Students will be able to promote these additional modules to their future employers via the transcript of records.

Entry link: Can a student study and graduate with two specialisations at the same time?


Can students participate lessons online?

(Last edited: Friday, 26 August 2022, 8:44 PM)

No lessons are facilitated online from academic year 2022-2023. 

Wittenborg is an experiential institute, thus, students need to physically interact with each other. The teachers will conduct all lessons in the classrooms and the study materials will be available for students via the online course areas on Wittenborg-Online, as usual. Note that no lessons will be streamed live.

At Wittenborg, students signed up for a programme that is planned and offered with lessons, projects, and other educational activities delivered in-campus on full-time basis. Therefore, all students are expected to effectively participate in the classes and fulfil all study requirements.

If you have travelled outside the Netherlands for mitigating reasons (e.g medical) please note that you are eligible to request for Leave of absence/study freeze. You can find more information on this in the FAQs.


Entry link: Can students participate lessons online?


Exam Review: How is exam review conducted for Type 1/Type 2 ONLINE assignments?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 13 April 2022, 8:13 AM)

All students should be given the opportunity to review their marked exam papers.
If a student does not agree with the grade and the feedback given by the faculty member for the online assignment submitted, the student must first contact and discuss it with the faculty member. A formal appeal can be made and sent to where there is further disagreement on the grade. The appeal email must contain the name of the module and name of the relevant examiner and the grounds for the appeal. It is obligatory for the appealing student to enclose all the email correspondences with the lecturer in which their initial appeal was declined. Once the complete formal appeal is received, it will be processed internally, and the student will be notified about the outcome.

As a standard quality control procedure, a moderation process is conducted by the exam committee prior to the results released to students for consistency in grading. And if inefficiencies of grading are found, corrective measures will be taken. This process is put in place to ensure that the students are not disadvantaged. 

Note: Students can only send appeal request within 1 week after receiving the results.

Entry link: Exam Review: How is exam review conducted for Type 1/Type 2 ONLINE assignments?


How are the Project Weeks graded?

(Last edited: Monday, 18 September 2023, 1:52 PM)

If you successfully attend and pass a project week, you should see the grade in Osiris as 1. Similarly if you pass 2 project weeks, you will see a grade of 2. If you attended 3 project weeks and you do not see it graded as 3 then that means that you failed your third project week. 

You should also refer to the comments given by the Project Week supervisor in your report submitted in the TurnitIn area as they give you a clarity if you have been passed or failed. 

Please note that you are not given a grade but rather a count of how many project weeks you have passed.

Entry link: How are the Project Weeks graded?


How can I check the AI percentage in Type 2 exam submission?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 3:59 PM)

For the time being only the examiners can see the AI similarity percentage via Turnitin, which we think Turnitin may  make available to students in the future; yet it is their decision.

Entry link: How can I check the AI percentage in Type 2 exam submission?


How is my paper graded in regard to the AI usage?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 3:57 PM)

Assignments with AI similarity of up to 3% will be checked by examiners to investigate if there is any attempt of Academic Misconduct. If none is found, the assignments will be assessed as per the standard procedure. In cases where examiners/moderators have doubts on the originality of the work, they may request students to:

  • Write a paragraph of text on the same module in front of the teacher;
  • Conduct a question and answer session;
In order to be able to conclude an outcome for the student work.

Take note that WUAS is not discouraging the use of AI tools (such as ChatGPT) for learning purposes. Nonetheless, misuse of such tools will be considered Academic Misconduct.

Entry link: How is my paper graded in regard to the AI usage?


How to upload a video and submit on moodle

(Last edited: Wednesday, 17 January 2024, 11:42 AM)

Please follow the instruction about how to upload videos and submit them on Moodle:
- Record your Video following the information provided in the exam file. 
- Save the video to your OneDrive or MS Streams.

-Share the video to public

Click on the share button on the top of the right side and choose share option: 

Choose the gear icon next to copy link

And choose the first option:

-After that copy the link of your video and paste it in a word file. 
-Put a title page (Your Names and S-numbers, Teacher's name, Module, Year & Block)
- Attach group contribution statement.  
- Upload the word file to the submission area.
- Double check if the link is working to view the video. 
- Visit My FAQs for more instructions. 

Entry link: How to upload a video and submit on moodle


Is the MEEs compulsory? Who should sit for the MEEs?

(Last edited: Monday, 3 July 2023, 11:06 AM)

This MEE is COMPULSORY for all students who started the programme in September 2022, depending on their eligibility. For students who started before September 2022, it is optional for them to take this exam.

Basic Requirements For bachelor’s students:

· There is a total of 3 compulsory MEEs: Phase 1 MEE, Phase 2 MEE and Phase 3 MEE.

· Students are NOT ALLOWED to start any Phase 3 modules unless they have at least completed the Phase 1 MEE.

· Students are NOT ALLOWED to submit their Graduation Assignment/Final project (GA/FP) unless they have completed both the Phase 1 MEE and Phase 2 MEE.

For master’s students:

· There is only 1 compulsory Master MEE to be taken at the end of Semester 2.

· Students are NOT ALLOWED to submit their GA/FP before completing the Master MEE

Entry link: Is the MEEs compulsory? Who should sit for the MEEs?


MBA/MBM Students: Is there a deadline to register for Project Weeks?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 8 February 2023, 1:50 PM)

Yes, we have created Project week registrations for each block in the course area. Once you have enrolled yourself in the Project week course area, you would be able to see the Registration link. The deadline is Monday of Lesson Week 1 at 16:00. If you missed the deadline to register yourself, you will not be allowed to participate in the Project week for that block.

Please note that enrollment and registration for project weeks are not the same. You can only do the registration after enrolling in to the course area.

Entry link: MBA/MBM Students: Is there a deadline to register for Project Weeks?


Mitigating Circumstances: What shall I do if I missed the assignment submission deadline?

(Last edited: Friday, 8 March 2024, 3:22 PM)

Deadlines for submission of assignments must not be missed. No extension of deadlines are permitted outside the exam weeks. If due to exceptional circumstances, you are unable to meet the deadline, which prevents you from graduating on time, you may request an extension via Mitigating Circumstances request form
(Retake of Remaining Module/Mitigating Circumstances Form ( evidence will normally be required when applications for extensions are made, such as a medical certificate, doctor’s letter, death certificate, etc. The Exam Board is the only body that can authorise extensions. 

Mitigating Circumstances (during standard exam weeks):

- This form should be submitted at least 3 working days before the exam/deadline.
- This form is not applicable for Project Week/Graduation Assignment/Final Project/Work Placement Report deadline extensions.

Entry link: Mitigating Circumstances: What shall I do if I missed the assignment submission deadline?


Module Unenrolment: How can I unenrol from a module?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 7 October 2020, 8:51 AM)

In case of a situation where you wish to unenrol from a module you will need to visit the 'My Courses' section on wittenborg-online. Click the module that you wish to unenrol from. You will now be able to view an option 'Unenrol me from' under the Course administration section. Click on this and you will be able to enrol that particular module. 

Entry link: Module Unenrolment: How can I unenrol from a module?


Plagiarism: I am still unsure about plagiarism. Is there a guide for me?

(Last edited: Friday, 26 August 2022, 9:20 PM)

To know more about plagiarism and academic misconduct, here are some suggestions:

1) Refer to the EEG part 5

2) Refer to these guides for students: (video) (Pdf)

3) Check out our FAQ on plagiarism-related questions via FAQ Studying @ Wittenborg

4) Attend the Academic English Workshop (AE) which is held during the Introduction Week in every block. The timetable is available via or you can refer to WUAS general year planning via 2021-2022 General Year Planning (

5) Consult your Academic English teacher

Entry link: Plagiarism: I am still unsure about plagiarism. Is there a guide for me?


Plagiarism: What happens if two or more students were observed to have been cooperating during exams?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 3 March 2021, 10:46 AM)

During the grading process, if the similarity in assessments between two or more students is identified it will result in an automatic failure (for all parties involved) and will be reported to the Graduation and Examination Board to take actions accordingly. You must ensure that you do not work together with other students in a group/team or share any information related to your home assignment for any module submission. This is very important and your own responsibility to protect your work being copied by other students.  Our plagiarism policy is available in Part 5 of the EEG.

Entry link: Plagiarism: What happens if two or more students were observed to have been cooperating during exams?


Retake of Remaining Module: What shall I do if I still have 1 or 2 pending modules prior to graduation?

(Last edited: Friday, 8 March 2024, 3:21 PM)

On condition that a student has a mitigating circumstance and/or a minimum of 210ECs (Bachelors) and 50ECs (Masters), a request can be made for a Retake of the Remaining Module if the remaining module is not within the block(s) prior to Graduation. A maximum of 2 modules can be requested. A student is permitted to do a Retake of the Remaining Module only once. Otherwise reverts to the normal planning of the module. A Retake of the Remaining Module can only be done when a student has attempted the normal exam (1st attempt). In special cases (at the request of the student in writing), the exam board may decide otherwise.

Retake of the Remaining Module requests must be made not later than Lesson Week 1 of the block before the planned Retake, i.e. For a retake request in Block 2: the request has to be made in Lesson Week 1 of Block 1.

Please follow the instructions and fill in the Retake of Remaining Module Form on time.

Resource: EEG Part 8, 9.2 Retake of Remaining Module under Mitigating Circumstances. 

Entry link: Retake of Remaining Module: What shall I do if I still have 1 or 2 pending modules prior to graduation?


School Calendar: How are the blocks named at Wittenborg?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 6 September 2023, 2:42 PM)

Previously, Wittenborg labelled its blocks using numbers 1 to 8. From Block SEP 2023 onwards, Wittenborg adopts the year calendar as the school calendar. The corresponding names of the blocks in numbers will be replaced by the name of the month in which the block starts, as follows: 

School calendar

Entry link: School Calendar: How are the blocks named at Wittenborg?


VitalSource: How to access required reading materials from Pearson via Vital Source.

(Last edited: Tuesday, 6 September 2022, 4:17 PM)

The access to all the Pearson books are integrated through the Online Library & Resources and relevant course areas on Wittenborg-Online.

In order to get the best reading and studying experience, staff/students need to register the first time they access the database. The registration page will only show on the first time registration. Once a user is registered, the system will link the user bookshelf account with their Learning Management System (LMS) account and will never ask again for login.

You can find the HowTo guide enclosed herewith. 

Entry link: VitalSource: How to access required reading materials from Pearson via Vital Source.


What is MEEs?

(Last edited: Monday, 3 July 2023, 11:04 AM)

Starting from the academic year 2022-2023, all new students starting their programmes at Wittenborg will not only follow normal assessments that lead to European Credits, but will also be required to complete a Multidisciplinary (phase) Exit Exams (MEEs) at the end of each learning phase. This means that for bachelor’s students, there will be an MEE at the end of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. For Master’s students, the MEE is at the end of semester 2. The MEEs are compulsory and must be completed in order to graduate.

Why MEE?

The rationale of having the MEE is to monitor and evaluate the progress of WUAS students from a more comprehensive and in-depth perspective. This new assessment will enable students to better evaluate their educational progress as well as the development of competencies required to become business administrators and managers. A good performance will make graduates stand out in the eyes of employers. It is an assessment that students must pass to complete a course and be promoted to the next phase. It is a way to maintain graduation standards, assurance of learning and quality of retained knowledge and skills. This exam is important as it can ensure that WUAS students meet educational standards. In return, it can also influence educational policy at WUAS

Entry link: What is MEEs?



GA/FP: Can I do a Business Plan for a Graduation Assignment?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:56 AM)


Yes, you can. But it is advised only to choose this option if you have specific plans to start the company you want to write the Business Plan for. This is because writing a Business Plan is the most challenging option and it requires a lot of reading and research with such an in-depth engagement in finance that it is only worthwhile to go the extra mile when you actually need that information for your future plan.

Entry link: GA/FP: Can I do a Business Plan for a Graduation Assignment?

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