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Assignment Submission: Will I get an extension in assignment submissions if the quality of Internet in my home country is poor?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:12 PM)


There is no extension of deadline for submitting assignments online. It is the student's responsibility to submit the assignment on time. Many problems can surface at the last minute, such as technical glitches, failed internet connection, system or software failure etc.

It is better to upload your assignment one or two days before the deadline, so that in case you encounter technical problems, you have sufficient time to find alternative ways to submit your assignment. If the internet connection in your area is weak or unstable, it is best to find a library or a computer shop as an alternative. 

If you are still not able to solve your technical issue, please contact Helpdesk at least 30 minutes before the deadline, with the name of the module assignment and screenshot(s) of the exact technical issue. Request put after the deadline will not be attended to.

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