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Student Housing: How can I find suitable housing while in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 24 June 2020, 8:34 AM)

Finding accommodation as a student is always an exciting but sometimes daunting task! At Wittenborg we assist our students in finding suitable, local accommodation, often managed by the university.

For student housing in Amsterdam please refer to the relevant pages by clicking on the link: for further details about Wittenborg student housing.


Student Housing: How can I see more details about the student housing rooms and facilities provided?

(Last edited: Friday, 21 August 2020, 12:00 PM)

Apeldoorn Student Housing

Wittenborg offers accommodation in a number of different places in Apeldoorn, all relatively close to the university (1-5 km):

  • Wittenborg offers shared apartments: 4-5 students sharing an apartment or flat.
  • Shared campus accommodation is also available, either from Wittenborg Housing () or from a housing partner (FSG Campus); students have their own rooms or share a room with another roommate within a campus complex, also sharing kitchen and bathroom facilities.
  • Most of the rooms are single and some are double rooms.
  • All rooms have basic furniture and high-speed internet.

Please go to to be able to see further details about each student housing facility provided by Wittenborg university.


Student Housing: I am a new student and currently live with a relative. Can I still opt for student housing in Apeldoorn?

(Last edited: Thursday, 17 March 2022, 10:24 AM)

Yes you can opt to live in the Wittenborg student housing. You will need to contact in order to fulfil the financial requirements apart from filling up the room application form Wittenborg Apeldoorn as a start. 

Students from the EU
Are you a Dutch or other EU-national student? Although you are encouraged to find your own accommodation, you are welcome to opt for Wittenborg’s own housing upon availability.

Students from non-EU countries
If you are a non-EU student, ‘package-fee’-paying student who needs Wittenborg to arrange your study visa to be able to join us in Apeldoorn, then the accommodation fee (plus administration fee for new-arrival students) of the first 2 blocks (3-3.5 months) is included in your package fee. The duration of the rental contract is same for all type of rooms- Shared rooms and single person rooms.

You will be allocated a room in either an apartment or campus complex, sharing a common area and all facilities with other students, both male and female.

After the package-fee period, which means after the first 2 blocks (approximately 3-3.5 months), we encourage you to find your own accommodation. Many students decide to find accommodation together with their newly made friends! This also means that our rooms will then be available again to new students arriving at Wittenborg.  

On the FAQ page of Wittenborg-Online, you will find contact information of local real estate companies and student housing providers/agencies in Apeldoorn, so you will have plenty of time to arrange your next accommodation.

If, after the first rental period, you decide to stay on in one of the rooms provided by Wittenborg, the deadline of your rental extension has to be followed as stated in your Student Housing Contract. 


Study Advice: what are consequences if I received a Binding Negative Study Advice?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 18 January 2022, 2:49 PM)

When you have received a Binding Negative Study Advice, it means at the moment your study progress is not sufficient to continue your studies at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences (WUAS).

You are required to have obtained at least 30 European Credits in the past 12 months.

WUAS will terminate your study agreement within the next 14 days, unless you take immediate action to discuss your situation with your process tutor/study advisor and are able to prove that you have excusable reasons for your insufficient study progress.

Termination of the study agreement also means that WUAS will withdraw the sponsorship from IND and your study residence permit will become invalid, regardless of the date mentioned on your residence permit card. Last is exclusively applicable to students who hold a study-based residence permit. 

Please read the following information carefully: 

Study Advice:

The Study Advice is sent to you every 6 months and monitors your study progress. A Binding Negative Study Advice means that you can no longer continue to study at WUAS as your study progress is so low, that it is not to be expected that you will graduate from WUAS.

Study Progress Monitoring (for Non-EU/EER students holding a study-based residence permit):

You have received a residence permit that is valid for the duration of your programme. To keep your residence permit, the IND requires you to obtain at least 50% of your credits (30 credits per year). If your study progress is not sufficient, WUAS is obliged to inform the IND that you have not obtained the required amount of credits. As an effect, you can lose your residence permit. This rule applies to students in both Bachelor and Master programmes. More information about the study progress monitoring requirement from IND can be found here: Study progress monitoring | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

What should you do if you have received Binding Negative Study Advice?

If you have received a Binding Negative Study Advice, you must immediately make an appointment to meet with your Process Tutor/Study Advisor. The Process Tutor/Study Advisor will inform the Registry Department in case there is any valid reason for not having obtained sufficient study progress, leading to a one-time waiver of the consequences of the Binding Negative Study Advice. In this case, a new study agreement must be agreed on, including a plan to improve your study progress and results.

What does it mean to receive a Binding Negative Study Advice if you are a Non-EU/EER student holding a study-based residence permit: 

If you are not allowed to continue your study at WUAS, your study agreement will be terminated and you will be deregistered. More information can be found in the EEG/General terms and Conditions.

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will be notified that your study progress is not sufficient and that you are deregistered as a student. This will lead to a revocation of the residence permit based on study at WUAS. 


What does it mean to receive a Binding Negative Study Advice if you are an EU student:

If you are not allowed to continue your study at WUAS, your study agreement will be terminated and you will be deregistered. More information can be found in the EEG/General terms and Conditions.

 “Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs” (DUO) will be informed that you are no longer studying at WUAS.  

What are excusable reasons for not achieving sufficient study progress?

In agreement with article 7.51 in the WHW (Higher Education Law), there are excusable reasons for insufficient study progress. The following personal circumstances can cause a delay in a student’s study: 

  • Illness or pregnancy. 
  • Physical, sensory or other functional disorders. 
  • Exceptional family circumstances. 
  • The study programme was not (completely) offered 
  • Fulltime membership in a board of a student organisation or university council, or other positions that have a societal impact in the interest of the study programme. To be agreed on by the Higher Education Institute.

An excuse can only be allowed one time. These reasons have to be discussed with your process tutor/ study advisor, evidence supporting your reason is needed.   

If you have any questions about this policy, please feel free to contact us at or visit the Registry Department during office hours.


Study Agreement Update from 2020-2021

(Last edited: Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 8:52 AM)

From the academic year 2020-2021, Registrar's Office provides students with the most up-to-date study credit overview and the newest Study Agreement (Study Advice) for students to sign. 
A study agreement is a formal requirement towards the fulfilment of the tutoring process for all students.
Contact the


Submission Deadline: My submission deadline is at 16:00. How late can I submit my assignment on Turnitin?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 1:19 PM)


Submissions of assignments just a few minutes before the deadline can be a risky issue. This is because it can take a few minutes before the system registers your uploaded work. Therefore, the student must always upload all assignments with sufficient time left in order for the work to be stamped in time. Submitting with sufficient time will also allow the student to correct any mistakes in the assignment.  Consigning submissions at least 24 hours before the actual deadline may be a safe measure and can prevent any last-minute stress or failure of submissions.


For any technical reason for non-submission or failure to upload assignments, please contact your teacher and Helpdesk.

Source: The EEG Part 4 - Practical Information Guide


Submission Deadline: What should I do if I miss my submission deadline?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 24 June 2020, 8:42 AM)

Contact your process tutor as well as the module teacher in the case of missing a submission deadline. They will decide on the next course of action. You cannot submit your work once the submission due deadline has passed. 


Support English: Is the Support English Assessment (SEA) connected to the Academic English Classes?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 14 July 2020, 9:54 AM)

SEA has no direct connection to the Academic English classes of the PDP1 or PDP 2 modules. Whether pass or fail in SEA, students must attend Academic English classes, a component of PDP – entry points only in Bocks 1 and 5.


Support English: Where can I find information to help me understand about Support English (SE) and Support English Assessment (SEA)?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 21 October 2020, 12:32 PM)

Support English Assessment (SEA) is a mandatory Diagnostic Writing Test that every new student has to take. The purpose of this test is to recognise, at an early stage, the students who exhibit weak writing skills. Students who fail this test are then directed to join the Support English module in order to raise their English standards to enable them to take the Academic English module. 

Wittenborg's Support English portal can be visited via your phone, tablet or computer. You have to enrol in the module using the enrolment key. For Apeldoorn campus, please click this link: For Amsterdam campus, please click this link:



Teams Notifications: How can the notification/Preview be turned off in teams?

(Last edited: Thursday, 9 June 2022, 11:19 AM)

When a new message is received in Teams, the user always get a notification and there is a pop-up message with preview. 

This can be turned off in two ways:

1. If the notifications needs to be turned off during the meetings only, the status should be changed to "Do not disturb" and then there will be no notifications/pop-up messages during the meetings.

2. You can turn off the notifications/preview from the settings in Teams app.

  • Open Microsoft Teams desktop or web client.
  • Click on the user icon, located in the right hands side of upper Teams bar.
  • Then click Manage Account to open the Teams Settings.
  • From the left hands side of the Settings dialog, select Notifications.
  • Then click the Custom button and you can see the option to Turn off the notifications/preview. Please see the attached image.



Test Sirens: When are the public warning sirens tested in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Monday, 7 March 2022, 9:22 AM)

All over the Netherlands, the public warning sirens are tested at exactly 12.00 noon on the first Monday of every month. The siren sounds for 1 minute and 26 seconds without interruption. This is a test signal so there is nothing to worry about. The sirens are never tested on a national or religious holiday or Remembrance Day, even if they fall on the first Monday of the month.

Testing the sirens is important:
Public authorities regularly test the sirens to check that they are working properly. It is essential for everyone to know the difference between the test signal and the emergency signal.

For more information about the siren test, please check the website


Timetable Access: I am trying to access my timetable on my mobile phone but can't see the class details. What should I do?

(Last edited: Monday, 29 June 2020, 4:10 PM)

When accessing your timetable from mobile phones, users will need to scroll down to see the button. On the next page, you will have different options to view the calendar: month view, week view, day view, etc.


Timetable: How can I access my timetable?

(Last edited: Thursday, 25 February 2021, 4:51 PM)


For accessing and creating your course timetable please go to


  • Login with the same details as for your student email account.
  • Find My Timetable, which will still be empty.
  • Click on +Add activity.
  • Add modules in List Type.

You can find and add modules in 2 ways. 


  1. Per Module, make your own private schedule with modules from different phases and specialisations. 
  2. Per Programmes of Study, this automatically selects all the modules relevant for your specialisation & current Phase. After adding all modules for a Programme of study you can always select single modules to add on top of that. 



Timetable: How can I add courses in the timetable?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 1:36 PM)

In order to add courses to your timetable, please go to, log in with your student account and choose your study programme and phase (for bachelor's degree students only). Once the courses are selected add them to your timetable. Then you will be able to view your schedule in a day/week/month mode.


Timetable: How often should I update my timetable?

(Last edited: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 1:35 PM)


We strongly recommend updating your timetable every week to ensure you have an up-to-date class schedule and at least one week before exam week for the most up-to-date exam location/timing.



Top-Up Student: Is it compulsory for Top-Up students to do internships?

(Last edited: Monday, 29 June 2020, 4:31 PM)

Top-Up students have 3 options that they can choose from. They can take on an internship, or choose modules to replace the equivalent ECs (European credits), or request the internship exemption duration.


Travel Discount: Can I avail of discounts while travelling in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Monday, 29 June 2020, 4:28 PM)

You can get more information or apply for the travel card at (ONLY for EU STUDENTS).


Travel Information: Do I need to inform the university if I have travelled back to my country?

(Last edited: Monday, 29 June 2020, 4:35 PM)

Yes, students who have travelled back to their home country and/or have specific questions for their process tutors on study progress, should fill in the Form ( The process tutor will get back to you as soon as possible


Travel to Netherlands: When can I book my flight tickets for travelling to the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 8:33 AM)

Do not confirm your travel booking until the visa has been obtained. However, as soon as the visa is received successfully, students MUST inform Wittenborg of their travel arrangements in order to arrange the accommodation and other legal registration procedures. Please arrive shortly before the start of the Wittenborg Introduction Week.

Students must bring their original birth certificate in English while travelling to the Netherlands. If it is in a different language, please arrange for a legalised translation in English. The birth certificate (both original and translation) must be stamped by the Foreign Ministry of your home country.


Travel: I am a new student. How can I travel in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 30 June 2020, 8:36 AM)

The Netherlands is a small country and its size makes it easy to get around.

While it is extremely easy to use public transport to get around the Netherlands, it is most well known for bicycles. Bike rentals here are easy and can be rented for as little as €10 EUR ($11 USD) per day. You may have to pay a deposit, which is refunded once you return the bike undamaged.

Some of the other common and cheaper modes of travel are:

  • Train - Due to the country's small size you can reach all major destinations within 2.5 hours within the country. Click on for more information on train schedules and tickets or seasonal passes.
  • Bus - Another affordable way to get around the Netherlands.

The OV-chip card

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