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Work Placement/Internship: What are the criteria of a qualified In-company Training_Bachelor?

(Last edited: Thursday, 20 January 2022, 9:37 AM)

To ensure a meaningful In-company Training, Wittenborg outlines strict criteria for organisations to 

qualify as placement companies. These criteria are as stated below: 

• The internship provides sufficient in-house operations experience. 

• The work is of a sufficient level. there should be opportunity to do work that matches the level of the study (HBO). 

• Creativity and intelligence levels of the student should be tested; it is intended that the student’s knowledge, understanding and skills gained during study are applied in practice as part of a completed task, with ample opportunity for direct action, ownership and responsibility. 

• Performing simple facilitating, administrative work (e.g. dish washing and photocopying) for more than 28 hours in total of the training period is not permitted. 

• The contents of the training need to meet the objectives of the programme and the contract is strongly linked to education or certain parts of the programme. 

• The host organisation supervises the student and a supervisor is appointed for this purpose. He/she introduces the student to the organisation and continues throughout the training period as a training partner for the intern. 

• Understanding and skills that students have acquired, can be applied and expanded. 


In addition, the placement organisation should fulfil the following criteria: 


• Organisations must be clearly related to the hospitality, tourism, events or sports industry and offer a conducive, safe and secure work environment. 

• Offer the opportunity to work at supervisory level at some stage in the training. 

• Provide adequate supervision throughout the placement. 

• Provide reasonable allowance(s). 

• Allocate working days, hours and shifts in accordance with the legal labour framework. 

• For hotels: a 3, 4 or 5-star rating and at least 20 (in the Netherlands) or 60 (outside the Netherlands) rooms. 

Students should read through all necessary information found in the EEG part 7a  for HBA specialization.

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