Can students use paraphrasing tools/services for assignment development? Is it considered Academic Malpractice?
(Last edited: Friday, 19 March 2021, 4:23 PM)
Online lessons since Pandemic times have changed our habituality. A common challenge faced by all education institutions around the world is the integrity and validity of the online examinations and assessments. Various software, online platforms and individual service providers have established themselves on paraphrasing existing text and ghost writing as business models. Note that these attempts are categorised as “Academic Malpractice” in the Education and Examination Guide (EEG).
Turn-it-in has implemented a new algorithm in their latest upgrade. This upgrade has improved the similarity function and the detection of the usage of paraphrasing tools/services amongst many other additional features to support the examiners identify these attempts.
We would like to urge all student to avoid using these tools when developing their work as it is important for you all to put the required efforts to ensure you have obtained the required knowledge and skills for each study component.