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Living in Amsterdam: How can I find student housing in Amsterdam?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:21 PM)

Wittenborg is continuously looking for possibilities to support students with finding suitable accommodation in Amsterdam. However, the responsibility for finding a room in Amsterdam ultimately lies with the student. Finding a place to live in Amsterdam can be quite a challenge; therefore, we recommend you to look for your new home as early as possible. It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn. The distance between the Amsterdam campus and Apeldoorn is around 1.5 hours by train and costs around 17 euro one way ( 

We recommend students to few companies/organizations who can help students in their accommodation. You can find detailed information via Wittenborg main website here. Amsterdam Student Housing (

It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn, but no later than one-month prior notice needs to be given to the Student Housing Team. 



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