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Sinterklas at School

Sinterklas at School
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Sint Nick will be at school on Friday at 2pm (ish) to visit all the students! In the canteen!

Wittenborg SinterklasSinterklaas is probably the most popular man among the Dutch kids in Holland! Every year around 20th November, Sinterklaas arrives with a steamboat in one of the harbors of Holland. He comes all the way from Spain, with hundreds of helpers. They spend two weeks in Holland, visiting children at school, in the city and even in their houses. Sinterklaas brings all kinds of presents for them, like candy and toys. At night "De Sint"  rides on a white horse through the Dutch streets and on top of the roofs, his helpers are running and jumping with him. They climb through the chimneys to bring gifts to the children. The children put their shoe underneath the chimney. Sometimes they leave a carrot for the horse. The following morning, the children find candies or toys in their shoes. His last night in Holland is 5th December and everybody is excited: the birthday of Sinterklaas... Nobody knows how old he is, but he must be hundreds of years by now... In stead of getting presents on his birthday, he gives them away! What a celebration! 

The above is thanks to Hollands Best, an American Holland shop.

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