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Site: Welcome to Wittenborg Online
Module: Welcome to Wittenborg Online (Wittenborg Online)
Glossary: FAQ Studying @ Wittenborg

Can I register myself with my family/friend address to receive my BSN number?

(Last edited: Thursday, 17 March 2022, 9:43 AM)

Yes, if you stay at your family/friend's home in the Netherlands, you can register at the same city hall. For this,  you must have a written declaration of consent from the person who is living at said address.


Change of Address deadline: I have checked out from student housing. Do I have to register my new address immediately?

(Last edited: Thursday, 13 August 2020, 2:19 PM)

1. If you move within or to the municipality of Apeldoorn, you are legally obliged to inform the city hall. 

a.       Firstly, please send us your new address by writing to

b.       Secondly, you need to change your address online with your DigiD code.  Completing this process is your own responsibility.

The following link is the page on the city hall website, which informs how to change your address online.;jsessionid=8C22DB3273EA4687ACA6B5DB4096CB48#burgerzaken


You must inform the municipality of your change of address anywhere between 4 weeks prior to moving and 5 days after moving. The moving date that you provide will be treated as the day on which your address changed. If you inform the municipality more than 5 days after moving, the date on which you inform the municipality will be treated as the moving date. Municipalities can impose a fine of up to €325 if you do not inform them in time of important changes to your personal information.


Charging Equipments: How can I charge my laptop or mobile phone once I arrive in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 4 April 2023, 3:40 PM)

Travel with a mobile phone, tablet or laptop can be difficult without the right adapter. Make sure you bring a European adapter from home, or buy one at any of the local shops once you arrive in the Netherlands. In the Netherlands the power plugs and sockets are of type C and F. The standard voltage is 230 V and the standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Please visit for more details on using the right power adapter in the Netherlands.


Check Out Notice: Should I give prior notice of my intention to check out?

(Last edited: Friday, 22 May 2020, 11:42 AM)

Yes. Residents must give at least four weeks’ notice in advance to Wittenborg Housing of their intended check-out date and time, so a mutually suitable pre-check-out time can be agreed by both parties. The intended check-out date and time can be on or before the last date of the housing package.


Check-in Rules: I have moved into Wittenborg student housing recently. What should I do next?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 16 June 2020, 5:45 PM)

At check-in, residents are provided with an inventory checklist, the Check-In Form*. Please use this document to report any issues within your apartment and submit it signed to the front office within 3 working days of your arrival. If this document is not submitted, it is taken as confirmation that all items, and dormitory, as set out in the inventory checklist, are present and in good condition. Residents must pay for any damages incurred outside normal ‘wear and tear’.

*This list is used again when checking out. The items on the back of the form must be present when checking out. All missing items are to be paid for by the leaving student. The personal items on the list must be removed from the room.


Drinking Water: Is tap water in the Netherlands safe to drink?

(Last edited: Monday, 29 June 2020, 9:57 AM)

Yes, tap water in the whole of the Netherlands is safe to drink. Not only will you save money by not buying bottled water, but you can also help towards keeping the environment clean by reducing plastic waste.


Emergency Contacts: Where can I find important telephone numbers in case of emergencies?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:41 PM)

If you are staying at Wittenborg’s accommodation, the student housing information booklet placed inside your room and in the common area also contains emergency numbers in case of urgent needs. This information can be found in the first page and contains numbers of Wittenborg Housing Department, Police, Fire Brigade and Hospital.

  • (Urgent Emergency) Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade: 112

Note: Only call 112 when there is an urgent matter that cannot wait. Calling 112 unnecessarily is a crime in the Netherlands, and you may be fined for wasting the time of the emergency services. The person who answers your call will ask your name, location of the emergency and what kind of emergency is taking place. If they deem it necessary, they will send the relevant emergency services.

  • (Non-Emergency) Medical Services Apeldoorn: 0900-600 9000
  • (Non-Emergency) Medical Services Amsterdam: 088-00 30 600

In case of non-emergency health problems, you can call the office of the doctor you are registered at. They will tell you what to do from then. If you are not registered with a doctor, make sure to ask the Front Desk to organise that for you at If someone has a major health issue out of office hours or is not registered with a doctor, they can call the Huisartsenpost in Apeldoorn Huisartsenpost in Amsterdam. They will give you instructions on what to do next.

Note: Do not go to the emergency room/hospital without calling the Huisartsenpost first. This will not be covered by the insurance and it will take a lot of time before they can help.

  • (Non-Emergency) Police: 0900 8844
  • (Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Apeldoorn: 055-548 3555
  • (Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Whole of the Netherlands: 0900-0904

Note: You can call the non-emergency Fire Brigade number for things like fallen trees, cats stuck in trees for longer than 48 hours or other non-life threatening occurrences which require the Fire Brigade to visit the scene. In the event of all fires, no matter how small, always call 112. 

  • Suicide Prevention: 113 or 0800-0113

Note: This number is for people experiencing distressing thoughts of self-harm. For active medical emergencies, always call 112. For help in your own language, you may find resources here and here.

You can find more basic information about living in the Netherlands from Wittenborg-online, on your Dashboard under the title ‘Information for International Students in the Netherlands or through this link:


Food in the Netherlands: Can I buy the food that I am used to while staying in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 10:03 AM)

While certain, less-well known products may be difficult to find, the Netherlands does have international grocery stores in most cities, where you can find a variety of products from all over the world. Mainstream Dutch supermarkets like Albert Heijn, Boni, Hoojvliet, Jumbo or Coop often have "international" sections with foods from various cultures, while "Tokos" usually sell exclusively international products. 

Additionally, nearly every city has Turkish or Arab supermarkets, street markets and butchers like Özbaktat in Apeldoorn.

It is also easy to find products from any culture online by Googling keywords like "[Culture/Country]+winkel" ("winkel" means "store" in Dutch). If you cannot find what you need in a physical store, there are tons of online shops which can provide what you need!


Heating System: Is there a heating system available in my house?

(Last edited: Thursday, 18 June 2020, 9:29 AM)

Yes. Each Wittenborg Student Housing comes with a heating system installed. The temperature is set to 21 degrees celsius and this temperature must always be maintained. Please avoid unnecessary use of energy and gas as it may cause additional expenses for the university. 


Help us in creating a more sustainable environment by avoiding unnecessary usage of energy and gas.


Housing Moving Out: Can I move out of the student housing before the end of the package period?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:18 PM)

You can move out of the Wittenborg student housing before the end of the package period, presuming that prior notice was given for the check-out, however there will be no refund for early check-out. 

Please refer to the student housing Rules and Regulations for further details or contact and


IND Registration: What is a V number and where can I find my V number?

(Last edited: Thursday, 25 February 2021, 8:33 AM)

The 10-digit V-number is indicated at the bottom of the residence permit. This number is after the letters VNR. Your V-number is also indicated on correspondence that you receive from the IND. You will only receive this number after your application has been approved by the visa department and is received by the IND.

The V-number is your unique IND registration number.

Note: You can find your V-number on the back of your residence card and on correspondence you may have received once your visa application has been approved by the IND.



Insurance: Does AON Complete+. cover mental health care?

(Last edited: Monday, 8 March 2021, 6:02 PM)

The insurance covers a maximum. of 9 treatments per Insured year, provided the insured person has been referred by a qualified physician for treatment. Treatment is provided by a first-line Psychiatrist or Psychologist. The insurance provides cover for Psychotherapy if permission has been granted in advance by the Insurer. You will be informed about this by Aon.  

Pre-existing conditions are also covered provided that the student is fit to study. If more treatments are necessary, permission for this must be requested from the Insurer in advance based on a treatment plan from the Insured Person’s practitioner. The Insurer’s Medical Adviser will assess the treatment plan and the Medical Need for further treatment.


Living in Amsterdam: How can I find student housing in Amsterdam?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:21 PM)

Wittenborg is continuously looking for possibilities to support students with finding suitable accommodation in Amsterdam. However, the responsibility for finding a room in Amsterdam ultimately lies with the student. Finding a place to live in Amsterdam can be quite a challenge; therefore, we recommend you to look for your new home as early as possible. It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn. The distance between the Amsterdam campus and Apeldoorn is around 1.5 hours by train and costs around 17 euro one way ( 

We recommend students to few companies/organizations who can help students in their accommodation. You can find detailed information via Wittenborg main website here. Amsterdam Student Housing (

It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn, but no later than one-month prior notice needs to be given to the Student Housing Team. 




Living in the Netherlands: I will soon arrive in the Netherlands. Is it a safe country to live in?

(Last edited: Friday, 19 June 2020, 4:41 PM)

Yes, the Netherlands is one of the safest countries to live in. You have to take certain precautions, i.e. do not leave your phone, suitcase, or wallet unattended. The city of Apeldoorn in general is a very safe place to live. 


Lost Items: I lost my personal items. What should I do now?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 13 October 2021, 9:32 AM)

Please go to the city hall of the municipal area in which you found or lost the item, or refer to or You cannot go to the police for lost and found items. If you have lost one of your belongings, it is not possible to file a report.

Please click this link for more information:



Maximum Duration of Stay: What is the maximum duration in Wittenborg student housing?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:26 PM)

The maximum duration of stay in the new Wittenborg housing accommodation is six months.


Money Exchange: Where can I find a money exchange company in Apeldoorn?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 16 June 2021, 9:12 AM)

Money exchange companies can be easily found in Apeldoorn city or in other cities in the Netherlands. A quick search on  'Google' will definitely be helpful. You may visit some companies like GoudwisselkantoorGWK etc.

Source: Currency Exchange , GWK


New address registration: How long can I wait before registering my new address in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Thursday, 13 August 2020, 2:20 PM)

You must inform the municipality of your change of address anywhere between 4 weeks prior to moving and 5 days after moving. The moving date that you provide will be treated as the day on which your address changed. If you inform the municipality more than 5 days after moving, the date on which you inform the municipality will be treated as the moving date. Municipalities can impose a fine of up to €325 if you do not inform them in time of important changes to your personal information.

The following link is the page on the city hall website, which guides you how to change your address online. This link is only for students living in Apeldoorn city.;jsessionid=8C22DB3273EA4687ACA6B5DB4096CB48#burgerzaken

Residence Permit Gap: What is the "residence permit gap" and the consequences if I have a gap in the residence permit period?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 9 March 2021, 10:59 AM)

A residence gap is an interruption in your continuous stay and may cause problems later on if you want to apply for a Dutch permanent residence. In general, a residence permit gap has affects in the longer term, if you decide to apply for a Dutch permanent residence permit in the future. In order to apply for a permanent residence permit, one of the requirements is that you have legally resided in the Netherlands for an uninterrupted period of five years or more before you make the permanent residence permit application. This means that you require to have had a valid residence permit for the full five years, without interruptions or gaps within this period. You have thus always applied for extension of your residence permit on time. Another requirement is that within these five consecutive years you have not stayed outside the Netherlands for six or more consecutive months, or three years in a row for four or more consecutive months.

The consequence of a residence permit gap is that the period of legal residence in the Netherlands before this gap will not be taken into consideration. This means that you will have to start again building up a five-year uninterrupted period in the Netherlands to obtain permanent residency.

For example: If your first residence permit is issued from 01-09-2009 till 31-08-2013, and if you apply for residence permit extension later than your expiration date (31-08-2013), then residency gap is created, and the IND starts counting from that day onwards -- that day your application form is received by the IND. Even a single day difference is recognised as a residency gap.

For more information and other requirements for applying the permanent residence permit, please visit:



Room Key Lost: What can I do if I lose my key?

(Last edited: Friday, 22 May 2020, 11:00 AM)

Anyone can lose a key and it may happen with you too. If you lose a key please contact and the student coordinator will arrange for a new key for you to enter your room. Please note that you will have to pay for this new key.