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Site: Welcome to Wittenborg Online
Module: Welcome to Wittenborg Online (Wittenborg Online)
Glossary: FAQ Studying @ Wittenborg

GA/FP: Can I do a Business Plan for a Graduation Assignment?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:56 AM)


Yes, you can. But it is advised only to choose this option if you have specific plans to start the company you want to write the Business Plan for. This is because writing a Business Plan is the most challenging option and it requires a lot of reading and research with such an in-depth engagement in finance that it is only worthwhile to go the extra mile when you actually need that information for your future plan.


GA/FP: Can I request a change or extension in the submission of my Graduation Assignment?

(Last edited: Monday, 20 December 2021, 6:05 PM)

The deadlines are clearly stated in the EEG in tabulated form and on the online area, so that students can plan and meet the exact deadlines looking backwards from the expected block of graduation. However, if you feel you are not able to submit your final GA or any of the parts of the GA at the specific date, you need to discuss with your Academic Supervisor in advance.


GA/FP: Can I upgrade one of my module results in the same block as my graduation block?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:19 AM)


As per the rules, the student should have completed 220 European Credits (ECs) to submit and defend the Graduation Assignment/Final Project (GA/FP). These ECs including the obtained grades are locked in order to allow him/her to proceed with the GA/FP submission. We do not expect any changes in these grades at the time of defence or afterwards. A student could even fail a module in a worst-case scenario attempting to upgrade his/her mark. We cannot work with any uncertainties/probabilities, though in the case of failure in a reattempt a previous pass grade will remain intact.

We are happy to facilitate such upgrade attempts, but they must be completed before the GA/FP final submission as per the rules. The student cannot proceed with a GA/FP defence in the case of any pending results. Therefore, it is the student’s choice and decision to proceed with the GA/FP defence without upgrades or wait for the upgrades before proceeding with the defence. Please note the extra tuition and fees it may cost if your graduation gets delayed.


GA/FP: How can I check for the similarity of my submitted paper?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 15 September 2021, 3:52 PM)


You can check the similarity in detail of your submitted file by clicking on “Match Overview” at the right side of the file submitted to Turnitin.

Please also note that if the similarity is from your own submitted paper, it will not be an issue.


GA/FP: How do I know who my assigned Academic Supervisor is? Where and how can I find the contact details of my supervisor?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 1:01 PM)

All students who have reached one of the two criteria below are advised to apply for an Academic Supervisor.

  • Bachelor (BBA) students who have reached the 180EC 
  • Master (MBA/MSc) students who received an approval on their research topic

You can find the Academic Supervisor Request from and additional information from the links below:


GA/FP: How many graduation ceremonies are there at Wittenborg? Which graduation ceremony can I attend?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:01 AM)


There are two graduation ceremonies per year, i.e. Winter Graduation Ceremony (February) & Summer Graduation Ceremony (July).

Students who graduated in blocks 1, 2 & 3 will be invited to the winter graduation and students who graduated in blocks 5, 6 & 7 will be invited to the summer graduation.


Students can invite their family members to come to the graduation ceremony. A graduation ceremony signifies a close to your study journey at Wittenborg. It is a day full of joy, the perfect opportunity to see your fellow graduates one more time and celebrate your graduation together.


GA/FP: How many meetings can I have with my supervisor?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:07 AM)


There is no specific limit, but you can always contact your Academic Supervisor if it is required. However, according to the EEG Part 8, "Supervisors are allocated a total of 14 hours per student, which includes marking. Supervisors can expect regular, punctual attendance at Academic Supervisorial meetings. Try to avoid 'dropping in' to supervisors’ offices and quickly asking for advice since the supervisor may need time to reflect on your questions.

Students must come fully prepared to Academic Supervisorial meetings, which means that you have read around the subject area, and/or have drafts of material that need to be consulted." It is advisable to send the materials for discussion to the supervisors at least one or two working days before the meeting (depending on the working routine of the supervisors).


GA/FP: How much time does it take to write a Graduation Assignment?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:39 AM)


Ideally: One block for the topic, one block for the research proposal and two blocks for the Graduation Assignment.

The timeline is available in the EEG, Part 8.


GA/FP: I have uploaded my Graduation Assignment/Final Project on the wrong Turnitin area. What can I do to resolve this issue?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:28 PM)


Please inform the Helpdesk and include the link to the wrong submission area. We will delete the wrong paper for you and you can then upload it to the correct area.

Please note that you should inform us before the deadline. It will not be possible once the deadline to the specific submission area has passed.


GA/FP: I want to upload my Graduation Assignment (GA) but I have a problem where I cannot log in to the GA online area because I am not enrolled any more, and when I tried to re-enrol, I could not find the GA course in the search courses bar area.

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:28 PM)


All bachelor's students are now added to a common GA area, where we have provided links to each specialisation GA course area. Course: Graduation Assignment (Bachelor) |GA32_FP_All| (

All master's students are now added to a common GA area, where we have provided links to each specialisation GA course area. Course: Graduation Assignment (Master) |GA43_FP_All| (

Once you want to access your GA area, you can simply click on it in the table. If you are no more enrolled there, it will ask for an enrolment key and you can find the enrolment keys in Process Tutor areas. It has not changed.



GA/FP: Is uploading Chapter 1-3 and Chapter 1-4 mandatory?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:35 AM)


No, but do realise that these are the only two opportunities that students get to have in-depth feedback on the content of their work. Missing out on this feedback seriously reduces the chance of a pass. Do keep in mind that you can only ask for a ‘free’ block after a fail on the Graduation Assignment when these upload opportunities are used.


GA/FP: What is a synopsis video?

(Last edited: Friday, 14 January 2022, 3:29 PM)


A 30-second video which gives an overview of the topic/content of your Graduation Assignment, and must be added to the presentation slides.

You can find the updated information here.


GA/FP: What is the deadline to upload my Graduation Assignment/Final Project final version?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:00 AM)


The deadline is Monday of Week 4 at 16:00 CET in each teaching block. If you miss the deadline you will need to submit your Graduation Assignment/Final Project in the upcoming teaching block submission area.


GA/FP: When can I apply for an Academic Supervisor and how?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:32 AM)


When: For bachelor's students, it depends on your European Credits. For master's students, it depends if your research proposal topic has been passed.

How: For bachelor's students, fill out the request form.  For master's students, contact your preferred supervisor and ask whether he/she would like to become your supervisor before filling out the request form.


GA/FP: When can I receive my diploma and transcript, once I have received my Graduation Assignment/Final Project results?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:03 AM)


Normally, diplomas and transcripts are ready for collection within 3 months after the graduation date. However, you can check with the registrar in case you need the documents earlier by sending an email to:


GA/FP: When can I submit my Chapter 1-3?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:29 AM)


Please be informed that the deadline to upload Chapter 1-3 is Monday, Week 1 of the previous block (If you are planning to graduate in Block 6, the deadline will be Monday, Week 1 of Block 5). Students can find all the information on deadlines in Part 8 of the EEG.


GA/FP: When can I submit my Chapter 1-4?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 10:29 AM)


Please be informed that the deadline to upload Chapter 1-4 is Monday, Week 7 of the previous block. For master’s students this deadline is Monday, Week 5 of the previous block. Students can find all the information on deadlines in Part 8 of the EEG.


GA/FP: When should I submit my Research Proposal?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:28 PM)


Please see the flow chart below which will give you a complete understanding of the timings and process.



GA/FP: Where do I have to upload the deliverables?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 9:54 AM)


Bachelor's students: upload your Research Proposal to the respective pathway of GA32 in the module online area. E.g. GA32_RP_IBA Research Proposal |GA32_RP_IBA|.

Master's students: upload your Research Proposal Topic in Semester 1 and Research Proposal in Semester 2 in the GA41 Research Methods assessment area.

Chapter 1-3, Chapter 1-4 and final version Graduation Assignment/Final Project: on the Graduation Assignment online area in the block you plan to graduate (check out the deadlines in the submission areas).


Graduation Assignment (GA/FP) Hard Copy: could you provide information on printing service?

(Last edited: Monday, 28 June 2021, 11:33 AM)

Students can find it challenging to find a printing shop in their city due to many of them having closed their businesses recently. In case of being unable to find a printing shop the students may also opt for printing and binding the GAs from online printing websites e.g. For any further information (e.g. cost, duration, delivery, data/research confidentiality, etc.), please contact the company directly. 

Note: Using the above website is your own responsibility and Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences does not take any responsibility nor has any affiliation with it whatsoever.