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Site: Welcome to Wittenborg Online
Module: Welcome to Wittenborg Online (Wittenborg Online)
Glossary: FAQ Studying @ Wittenborg

What is MEEs?

(Last edited: Monday, 3 July 2023, 11:04 AM)

Starting from the academic year 2022-2023, all new students starting their programmes at Wittenborg will not only follow normal assessments that lead to European Credits, but will also be required to complete a Multidisciplinary (phase) Exit Exams (MEEs) at the end of each learning phase. This means that for bachelor’s students, there will be an MEE at the end of phase 1, phase 2 and phase 3. For Master’s students, the MEE is at the end of semester 2. The MEEs are compulsory and must be completed in order to graduate.

Why MEE?

The rationale of having the MEE is to monitor and evaluate the progress of WUAS students from a more comprehensive and in-depth perspective. This new assessment will enable students to better evaluate their educational progress as well as the development of competencies required to become business administrators and managers. A good performance will make graduates stand out in the eyes of employers. It is an assessment that students must pass to complete a course and be promoted to the next phase. It is a way to maintain graduation standards, assurance of learning and quality of retained knowledge and skills. This exam is important as it can ensure that WUAS students meet educational standards. In return, it can also influence educational policy at WUAS


How can I check the AI percentage in Type 2 exam submission?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 3:59 PM)

For the time being only the examiners can see the AI similarity percentage via Turnitin, which we think Turnitin may  make available to students in the future; yet it is their decision.


How is my paper graded in regard to the AI usage?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 28 June 2023, 3:57 PM)

Assignments with AI similarity of up to 3% will be checked by examiners to investigate if there is any attempt of Academic Misconduct. If none is found, the assignments will be assessed as per the standard procedure. In cases where examiners/moderators have doubts on the originality of the work, they may request students to:

  • Write a paragraph of text on the same module in front of the teacher;
  • Conduct a question and answer session;
In order to be able to conclude an outcome for the student work.

Take note that WUAS is not discouraging the use of AI tools (such as ChatGPT) for learning purposes. Nonetheless, misuse of such tools will be considered Academic Misconduct.


Do I have to pay for the TB test?

(Last edited: Monday, 26 June 2023, 9:25 AM)
As of August 1, 2023, expatriates and immigrants will pay for their first tuberculosis screening done with an X-ray. 

The costs are indexed annually. For 2023, the cost of a first screening photo will be €51.06. These costs can only be paid by debit card.


Tuberculosis (TB) Test: Do I need to take a TB test?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:34 PM)

Almost all non-Dutch passport holders who will stay in the Netherlands for more than 3 months are obliged to make an appointment at GGD "Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst” (Area Health Service) to undergo a checkup for TBC (Tuberculosis). Wittenborg Administration checks whether students are obliged to have the TB test or not, and you will be informed accordingly. If you live in Amsterdam, you can make an appointment on your own. 

If you live in another city, you can search online the nearest hospital that offers TB test screening.

Most non-EU students and students from some other countries do not need to have a tuberculosis test. You can click on the following link to find out which countries' nationals are exempt from the test

For students who live in Amsterdam, please note that you can only be seen if you have an appointment. You can call 020-555 5240 Monday to Friday, between 09:00 and 11:00, and between 13:30 and 16:30.


Please complete the referral form before you make an appointment. Here is the link:


Student Housing

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:28 PM)

Student Housing: I am a current student. Can I extend my current housing contract?

We are aware of the housing crisis within the Netherlands. Therefore, we are glad to inform you that your student housing contract can be extended. Be advised there are additional costs and requirements for extending a student’s housing contract.

Please fill in the Wittenborg Student Housing Application Form. You will be informed via email by the Student Housing department in 3 working days on whether your extension is approved or rejected.

Please be advised this is dependent on room availability and note there will be no room availability after the 15th of July 2023.

Student Housing Form


Maximum Duration of Stay: What is the maximum duration in Wittenborg student housing?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:26 PM)

The maximum duration of stay in the new Wittenborg housing accommodation is six months.


Living in Amsterdam: How can I find student housing in Amsterdam?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:21 PM)

Wittenborg is continuously looking for possibilities to support students with finding suitable accommodation in Amsterdam. However, the responsibility for finding a room in Amsterdam ultimately lies with the student. Finding a place to live in Amsterdam can be quite a challenge; therefore, we recommend you to look for your new home as early as possible. It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn. The distance between the Amsterdam campus and Apeldoorn is around 1.5 hours by train and costs around 17 euro one way ( 

We recommend students to few companies/organizations who can help students in their accommodation. You can find detailed information via Wittenborg main website here. Amsterdam Student Housing (

It is also possible to opt for Student Housing in Apeldoorn, but no later than one-month prior notice needs to be given to the Student Housing Team. 




Housing Moving Out: Can I move out of the student housing before the end of the package period?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:18 PM)

You can move out of the Wittenborg student housing before the end of the package period, presuming that prior notice was given for the check-out, however there will be no refund for early check-out. 

Please refer to the student housing Rules and Regulations for further details or contact and


Assignment Submission: What should I do if I have uploaded the wrong assignment?

(Last edited: Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:15 PM)

Turnitin at Wittenborg allows you to resubmit your assignment multiple times by overwriting the previous submissions, until the due date. This means that if you have submitted a wrong document, you can resubmit again by uploading the correct document. The newly uploaded document will overwrite the previous one. You can resubmit multiple times until the deadline. This feature of overwriting previous submissions ensures that your module teacher will only receive the latest submission for checking.

If you check that you submitted the wrong paper after the deadline has passed, the helpdesk cannot make any changes and you will not be eligible for a retake block.


Retake: For Type 2 Exams, can I revise my original assignment and submit it during the retake?

(Last edited: Saturday, 3 June 2023, 10:44 PM)

Starting from Block 2 (2020-2021), for retakes: students are NOT allowed to revise their original assigments submitted at the end of the respective teaching block. They must hand in a ‘new’ assignment. The retake submission will be based on the same exam Type 2 instructions provided during the teaching block but using a different topic/case/context/company etc.

There are however, exceptions to this rule:
The pedagogical and didactical requirements necessitate that students of the following modules can submit a revised version of the same assessment in the subsequent retake block. If the students do not pass the module in the retake block, they will be required to attempt the module during the next delivery and submit the module assignment (exam Type 2) as per the module instructions.

Bachelor's Programmes
1. Project Management Basics
2. Marketing Research
3. Marketing Plan
4. Business Plan
5. Work Placement
6. Graduation Assignment/Final Project
7. Research Methodology & Quantitative Methods
8. Hospitality Design and the Environment

MBA Programme
1. Research Methodology
2. Graduation Assignment/Final Project

MBM Programme
1. Research Methodology
2. Graduation Assignment/Final Project
3. Professional Enquiry
4. Professional-Based learning


GA/FP: How do I know who my assigned Academic Supervisor is? Where and how can I find the contact details of my supervisor?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 1:01 PM)

All students who have reached one of the two criteria below are advised to apply for an Academic Supervisor.

  • Bachelor (BBA) students who have reached the 180EC 
  • Master (MBA/MSc) students who received an approval on their research topic

You can find the Academic Supervisor Request from and additional information from the links below:


Emergency Contacts: Where can I find important telephone numbers in case of emergencies?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:41 PM)

If you are staying at Wittenborg’s accommodation, the student housing information booklet placed inside your room and in the common area also contains emergency numbers in case of urgent needs. This information can be found in the first page and contains numbers of Wittenborg Housing Department, Police, Fire Brigade and Hospital.

  • (Urgent Emergency) Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade: 112

Note: Only call 112 when there is an urgent matter that cannot wait. Calling 112 unnecessarily is a crime in the Netherlands, and you may be fined for wasting the time of the emergency services. The person who answers your call will ask your name, location of the emergency and what kind of emergency is taking place. If they deem it necessary, they will send the relevant emergency services.

  • (Non-Emergency) Medical Services Apeldoorn: 0900-600 9000
  • (Non-Emergency) Medical Services Amsterdam: 088-00 30 600

In case of non-emergency health problems, you can call the office of the doctor you are registered at. They will tell you what to do from then. If you are not registered with a doctor, make sure to ask the Front Desk to organise that for you at If someone has a major health issue out of office hours or is not registered with a doctor, they can call the Huisartsenpost in Apeldoorn Huisartsenpost in Amsterdam. They will give you instructions on what to do next.

Note: Do not go to the emergency room/hospital without calling the Huisartsenpost first. This will not be covered by the insurance and it will take a lot of time before they can help.

  • (Non-Emergency) Police: 0900 8844
  • (Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Apeldoorn: 055-548 3555
  • (Non-Emergency) Fire Brigade Whole of the Netherlands: 0900-0904

Note: You can call the non-emergency Fire Brigade number for things like fallen trees, cats stuck in trees for longer than 48 hours or other non-life threatening occurrences which require the Fire Brigade to visit the scene. In the event of all fires, no matter how small, always call 112. 

  • Suicide Prevention: 113 or 0800-0113

Note: This number is for people experiencing distressing thoughts of self-harm. For active medical emergencies, always call 112. For help in your own language, you may find resources here and here.

You can find more basic information about living in the Netherlands from Wittenborg-online, on your Dashboard under the title ‘Information for International Students in the Netherlands or through this link:


Health Insurance: I have received a letter from CAK. What should I do now?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:36 PM)

If you have received a letter from the CAK (CAK - Centraal Administratiekantoor, is the government organisation that administers Dutch health insurance) that say that you are ‘not insured’, it means that you do not have health insurance with a Dutch health insurer. 

Dutch basic/public health insurance is compulsory for people who work in the Netherlands. This health insurance is different from the International Insurance that international students have. 

If you have a part-time job or if you are doing an internship for which you are paid at least as much as the Dutch minimum wage (click here for more information on the minimum wage), you are required to take out a Dutch basic/public health insurance. Even if you have not received a letter from CAK, you are strongly advised to take out the health insurance or risk getting a fine of hundreds of euros. If you do receive the letter from CAK, please take action within the 3 months or any given period indicated in the letter. 

However, if you work on a self-employed basis or if you have received the letter from CAK incorrectly (because you don't have a part-time job or paid internship), or if you are in doubt whether you really need to arrange for a Dutch basic/public health insurance for yourself, you can contact SVB and start the Wlz assessment (also called the SVB investigation). You can do so by following the instructions below: Keep in mind that it might take 6-8 weeks before you receive the outcome of the Wlz assessment. Therefore, take action immediately after receiving the letter from the CAK.

1) Contact the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) to request (free of charge) an investigation of your insurance position under the Wlz scheme. For this request, you can either do (A) or (B):

(A) Send by post: Complete the pdf document attached below Assessment of Wlz Insurance Position form (pdf) and send it together with all necessary documentary evidence to: SVB, Postbus 18607, 3501 CR Utrecht.


(B) Do it online. Click on this link Requesting an assessment of your Wlz insurance position online, and login using your DigiD. You can then submit your application quickly and easily.

2) Make a copy of the completed and signed 'Assessment of Wlz insurance position' form and send it immediately to the CAK as this proves that you have taken the necessary action. 

3) If the SVB decision is that you are not to be insured (that means you don’t have to take the Dutch Health Insurance), send a copy of the decision from SVB to the CAK. Use this Contact Form and choose the option ‘regeling onverzekerden’. CAK will then close your file and you can continue with your international health insurance (AON ICS).

4) If the outcome of the Wlz assessment states that you are to be insured with a Dutch public health insurance, do so immediately within the time frame given by the CAK. 


Graduation: I will be graduating soon. What steps should I follow in order to complete this process?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:30 PM)

In order to graduate, students have to complete all European Credit (EC) modules. Once all ECs are achieved and you have passed the GA Oral Defence, you will be invited to the graduation ceremony by the Events Coordinator, via email.

In the email, you will find all information and instructions pertaining to the ceremony. Please follow all instructions given in the email. Among others, you will be required to:

1) Provide information on your guest list (the number of guests who will be attending the ceremony)

2) Complete the graduation questionnaire

3) Submit a photograph of yourself. This photograph will be shown on the screen during the ceremony.



GA/FP: When should I submit my Research Proposal?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:28 PM)


Please see the flow chart below which will give you a complete understanding of the timings and process.



Family Visa: How can I apply for a family visa?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 12:22 PM)

Unfortunately Wittenborg does not provide assistance with this procedure. Additionally, student housing is afforded only to students who are fully registered at Wittenborg.

Students who wish to bring along their family members can apply for a dependent visa at the IND (Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst). More information about the conditions and requirements for this visa can be obtained via the IND website at Family | Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).


Cost of Living: What is the cost of living in Apeldoorn?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 10:17 AM)

The cost of living as a student in the Netherlands is estimated to be around €800 to €1,100 per month according to the Study in NL website, an initiative by Nuffic.

These main costs include:

  • Accommodation
  • Food
  • Transport

Tuition fees do not form part of living costs.

Apeldoorn versus Amsterdam

Experience has shown that students living and studying in Apeldoorn tend to spend less than those in Amsterdam, where cost of living is higher. This amount is needed to cover daily expenses, meals, accommodation costs, insurance, study books, etc. This estimate does not include tuition fees and unforeseen costs and should be used as a general indication of the costs of living. How much money you will actually need depends on your lifestyle. The costs for housing, for example, may differ considerably. Also, if you plan to travel during your stay, you will obviously need more money.


Food in the Netherlands: Can I buy the food that I am used to while staying in the Netherlands?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 10:03 AM)

While certain, less-well known products may be difficult to find, the Netherlands does have international grocery stores in most cities, where you can find a variety of products from all over the world. Mainstream Dutch supermarkets like Albert Heijn, Boni, Hoojvliet, Jumbo or Coop often have "international" sections with foods from various cultures, while "Tokos" usually sell exclusively international products. 

Additionally, nearly every city has Turkish or Arab supermarkets, street markets and butchers like Özbaktat in Apeldoorn.

It is also easy to find products from any culture online by Googling keywords like "[Culture/Country]+winkel" ("winkel" means "store" in Dutch). If you cannot find what you need in a physical store, there are tons of online shops which can provide what you need!


Facebook: I wish to join the Wittenborg Students+Staff+Alumni Facebook group. What should I do?

(Last edited: Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 9:46 AM)

We would like to offer our students the opportunity to meet fellow students and staff in an informal way, even before arrival. This is why we suggest joining Wittenborg's Facebook group.

Login or create a Facebook account: Search 'Wittenborg Students+Staff+Alumni' on the Facebook website or app. Click 'Join group'. Make sure to provide your s-number, or you will not be allowed to join. You will also not be allowed to join if you use the s-number of a different student than yourself. 

After approval, students can receive the latest information on their personal accounts. If you have sent a request to 'Wittenborg Students+Staff+Alumni' on Facebook and have not received any feedback (approval) for long time (more than 1 week), you can send an email to